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Integrated Resource Planning in California

* 21PESGM2631, SCE&#039,s CAISO System-Wide Analysis in 2019/2020 IRP: J. YAN, Southern California Edison * 21PESGM2632, CAISO Reliability Assessments of the California IRP Plans: S. LIU, California ISO

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26 Jul 2021

The integrated resource planning is a comprehensive planning process to build the long-term resource plan that ensures that sufficient resources to meet forecasted customer needs at the least cost, taking into account the variety of supply and demand resources and applicable environmental mandates. California has taken a leadership role in addressing the dangers of climate change and air pollution. Senate Bill (SB) 100 established a landmark policy requiring renewable energy and zero-carbon resources supply 100 percent of electric retail sales to end-use customers by 2045 in California. In 2020, California utilities have submitted their Integrated Resource Plans for the 2019-2020 IRP cycle to help California meet its 2030 GHG reduction goals. This session will bring the California industry experts together to share their valuable experiences and lesson learned in the past IRP process.

Amy Li, SCE
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(PSOPE) Bulk Power System Planning Subcommittee

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