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Tackling cascading outages under emerging internal and external factors: methodologies, tools and industrial practices

* 21PESGM2559, Modern demand and distributed energy resources modeling for resilience against cascading outages: P. CICILIO, University of Alaska Fairbanks * 21PESGM2560, A High efficiency and Numerically Robust Computing Tool for Power Grid Resilience Analysis: R. YAO, Argonne National Laboratory * 21PESGM2561, What can we learn about cascading outages from historical data?: I. DOBSON, Iowa State University * 21PESGM2562, System Protection and Cascading Outages: Roles, Challenges, and Solutions: G. ZWEIGLE , Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories * 21PESGM2563, Dynamic Contingency Analysis Tool (DCAT) for Cascading Outage Analysis: Y. CHEN, PNNL * 21PESGM2564, Cascading Modelling for Resilience Analysis and Enhancement Against Extreme Events: M. PANTELI, University of Manchester * 21PESGM2566, Utility Outage Data Driven Interaction Networks for Cascading Failure Analysis and Mitigation: J. QI, University of Central Florida * 21PESGM2567, On-line Cascading Analysis to Increase Grid Resilience and Reliability: M. VAIMAN, V&amp,R Energy Systems Research, Inc. * 21PESGM2568, Incorporating Resiliency Metrics into Transmission Planning using Cascading Trees: E. BERNABEU , PJM * 21PESGM2931, Industry practices in analyzing the cascading failures in the power grid: M. PAPIC, papic consulting

  • PES
    Members: $5.00
    IEEE Members: $10.00
    Non-members: $20.00
26 Jul 2021

As power systems are undergoing fast and substantial changes, the traditional methods, tools and practices for analyzing, preventing and mitigating cascading outages are facing more and more challenges. The challenges of cascading outages are coming both inside the system and from outside the power system, and new methodologies, tools and industrial practices are urgently needed. The panel session will focus on discussing modern challenges from rapidly evolving power systems as well as the external and interdependent factors exerted on the grid. Experts from industry and academia will share the utility applications, new tools, and innovative methodologies that tackle the emerging challenges of cascading outages in power systems.

Rui Yao, Argonne National Laboratory, Eduardo Cotilla-Sanchez, Oregon State University
Sponsor Committees:
(AMPS) Computer Analytical Methods