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Frequency Regulation and Control under High Renewable Energy Penetration

* 21PESGM2440, Fundamental Concepts of Bulk Power System Frequency Control and New Ideas for Consideration: R. QUINT, NERC * 21PESGM2441, Advances in IBR Plant Frequency Regulation: M. MORJARIA, Terabase Energy * 21PESGM2442, Performance Evaluation of Distributed Energy Resource Management Systems using Software- and Hardware-in-the-Loop: J. WANG, National Renewable Energy Laboratory * 21PESGM2443, Use of Inverter-Based Resources to Improve Frequency Response in High Renewable Penetration Grids: D. SCHOENWALD, Sandia National Laboratories * 21PESGM2444, Evolution of Frequency Control in ERCOT: J. MATEVOSYAN, ERCOT

  • PES
    Members: $5.00
    IEEE Members: $10.00
    Non-members: $20.00
26 Jul 2021

The power generated from renewable energy sources presents highly variable and fluctuating characteristics at different time scales. The fluctuating behavior of renewable energy sources makes it difficult to balance power production and demand, causing the control of frequency in the electric power systems to become more and more difficult under increased penetration of renewable energy resources. This panel presents industry experience and academic research on frequency regulation and control under the high penetration of intermittent renewable power generation. These include research advance in fast frequency response, primary frequency response, secondary frequency response, and/or tertiary frequency response as well as their integration to improve grid reliability and efficiency and to overcome the challenges of low system inertia under high renewable power penetration.

Shuhui Li, Univ. of Alabama
Sponsor Committees:
Energy Development and Power Generation