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Fuel cells: From Hydrogen Fuel Production from Renewable Energy to DG Applications and Control

* 21PESGM2390, From Hydrogen Safety and Economy to Fuel Cell DGs and their Control: H. NEHRIR, Montana State University * 21PESGM2391, Hydrogen from Renewable Energy Resources as a Solution for Sustainable Communities: H. AKI, Tsukuba University * 21PESGM2920, Validating the Integration Options for Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Systems: K. NAGASAWA, NREL * 21PESGM2393, Load Transient Control of Fuel Cell Systems: C. WANG, Wayne State University * 21PESGM2394, 3. Bloom energy experience with SOFC distributed generation applications with hydrogen as fuel: R. GOPINATH, Bloom Energy

  • PES
    Members: $5.00
    IEEE Members: $10.00
    Non-members: $20.00
26 Jul 2021

Fuel cells (FCs) are promising devices for distributed generation applications. They are static energy conversion devices that convert the chemical energy of fuel hydrogen directly into electrical energy. Their particular advantage is that they are clean power generation sources with modular structure and can be placed near loads at different levels – houses, commercial buildings or distribution centers. They can be considered a renewable power generation source when the fuel hydrogen supplied is produced from renewable energy, such as wind or solar. This panel aims to address the value and cost of hydrogen, its production from renewable energy sources, challenges of its production, and current and potential applications of solid-oxide and PEM fuel cells.

Hashem Nehrir, Montana State University
Sponsor Committees:
Energy Development and Power Generation