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Reliability and Resiliency Analysis for Cyber-Power System

* 21PESGM2287, Evaluating Resilient Microgrid Controls using a High-Fidelity Cyber-Physical Testbed Environment – Opportunities and Challenges: A. ASHOK, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory * 21PESGM2289, &lt,b&gt,Situation Awareness of Active Distribution Networks Considering Cyberattacks&lt,/b&gt,: J. LI, Wuhan University * 21PESGM2290, Risk Assessment of Cyber Attacks Against Voltage Control in Distribution Power Grids With PVs: Y. HAYASHI, Waseda University * 21PESGM2291, Tools for Cyber-Resiliency of the Power Grid with DERs: A. SRIVASTAVA, West Virginia University: S. SADANANDAN, Washington State University * 21PESGM2304, A Generalized False Data Injection Attack Framework Against Nonlinear State Estimator and Countermeasures: J. ZHAO, Mississippi State University

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26 Jul 2021

Cyber-power system analysis is critically important to ensure secure, reliable, and economical operation of the bulk power system. However, cyber failures and cyber-attacks against the cyber-physical power system is uncertain, specially with the enhanced vulnerability at edge devices. The likelihood of attack, host and network vulnerabilities, exploiting the vulnerabilities, the impact on the power system, and the consequences are critical factors for cyber-power analysis. This panel addresses the reliability and resiliency analysis for cyber failures and cyberattacks in various parts/levels of the power system and introduces the models and approaches to quantitatively assess the reliability as well as the technologies to enhance the reliability/ resiliency of the cyber- power system.

Ming Ni, NARI Group Corporation, Anurag Srivastava, West Virginia University
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(AMPS) Reliability and Risk Analysis

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