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FERC Order 745: Ten Years On Revisiting the net benefits test for demand response

* 21PESGM2221, Integrating Net Benefits Test for Demand Response into Optimal Power Flow Formulation: J. MA, Ryerson Univeristy * 21PESGM2222, FERC 745: S. OREN, University of California, Berkeley * 21PESGM2223, Price Formation, Resiliency, Capacity Markets and Demand Response: A. KLEIN, Appian Way Energy Partners * 21PESGM2224, FERC 745 - Pricing of Demand Response: W. HOGAN, Harvard University * 21PESGM2225, Demand Response Auction - Ontario Experience: T. CHAPMAN, IESO, Canada

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    Members: $5.00
    IEEE Members: $10.00
    Non-members: $20.00
26 Jul 2021

Demand response is procured for several reasons. In the specific context of procurement for economic reasons, FERC Order 745 limits procurement through a net benefits test (NBT). While this Order has been challenged for its jurisdiction and rate of remuneration for demand response service (i.e. at locational marginal price), it has been seldom critiqued or examined for its original intent, i.e. deciding the underlying philosophy behind demand response procurement. This panel will explore aspects of procurement of demand response, considering NBT and its effect on generators, consumers, T&D utilities, and social welfare.

Jessie Ma, Ryerson Univeristy, Bala Venkatesh, Ryerson University
Sponsor Committees:
(PSOPE) Power System Economics Subcommittee