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Water Power Generation – Hydropower and Marine Hydrokinetic - Part 2

* 21PESGM2208, Operation of Hydropower plants in parallel operation with renewable energy: G. STARK, National Renewable Energy Laboratory * 21PESGM2209, Operation of Hydropower as a Synchronous Condensor: N-M VONG, System Operator, Transpower * 21PESGM2210, Hydro Tasmania's Battery of the Nation Project: L. SOUTHON , Hydro Tasmania * 21PESGM2211, Machine Learning for Pumped Storage Hydropower Operation: M. PANWAR , National Renewable Energy Laboratory

  • PES
    Members: $5.00
    IEEE Members: $10.00
    Non-members: $20.00
26 Jul 2021

This panel will discuss various aspects of water power generation in a panel discussion forum, to encourage electrical engineers especially within the Power and Energy Society to participate in research, development, and demonstration of water power generation activities, to open dialog among many different experts and stakeholder organizations working in the area of water power generation for possible future collaborations. The panelists include engineers and researchers actively involved in research and development efforts in both marine and hydrokinetic and hydropower technologies to improve performance, lower cost, and ultimately support our ability to sustainably meet its growing energy demand. Marine and hydrokinetic technologies capture energy from waves, ocean thermal gradients, and tidal, ocean and river currents.

Eduard Muljadi, Auburn University
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