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Modeling and Analysis of Nuisance Distributed Energy Resource Islanding Detection in Field Operation

* 21PESGM0933, A real case application of ROCOF and vector surge relays for anti-islanding protection of distributed energy resources: A. NASSIF, ATCO * 21PESGM0935, Anti-islanding experiments for MW photovoltaic power stations in China: M. YU, Zhejiang University * 21PESGM0936, Islanding protection for synchronous distributed generators: from tradition frequency to wide-area PMU-based solutions: W. FREITAS, University of Campinas * 21PESGM0937, Risk assessment of DG anti-islanding protection failure: J. C. VIEIRA , University of Sao Paulo

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26 Jul 2021

Anti-islanding protection or islanding detection for distributed energy resources have extensively investigated and discussed in the last decade. However, the following limitations in anti-islanding schemes still exits: 1) a gap still exists for synchronous generators, 2) degraded performance for inverter-based generators. Many proposed anti-islanding methods are not practical, as seen by utilities. This panel is to present and discuss the recent findings on distributed energy resource islanding detection performance from the field operation of photovoltaic power station, farm biogass generator and other distributed generation units. The panel will bridge an industry knowledge gap in theory and application.

Xiaoyu Wang, Carleton University, Alexandre Nassif, ATCO
Sponsor Committees:
(AMPS) Transient Analysis and Simulation

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