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Developing Optimization Algorithms and Computational Techniques for Future Resource Integration

* 21PESGM0344, Accelerating Convergence Of Parallel Stochastic Dual Dynamic Programming Using Batch Updates: A. PAPAVASILIOU, Université catholique de Louvain * 21PESGM0345, Stochastic Look Ahead Commitment: B. KNUEVEN , NREL * 21PESGM0346, Integrating High DER-Penetrated Distribution Systems into ISO Energy Market Clearing: A Feasible Region Projection Approach: L. WU, Stevens Institute of Technology * 21PESGM0347, Optimizing Storage in Electricity Market: Y. CHEN, MISO * 21PESGM0348, Modeling Hybrid Run-of-Rive and Battery Storage in Day-ahead Unit Commitment: F. PAN, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory * 21PESGM0349, Co-Optimization/Simulation of Transmission and Distribution Systems: F. QIU, ANL

  • PES
    Members: $5.00
    IEEE Members: $10.00
    Non-members: $20.00
26 Jul 2021

Optimization models and algorithms are at the core of software tools used in the electricity market operation with the goal of minimizing the system operation cost while ensuring system security. However, the industry evolution has posed unprecedented challenges to the existing optimization and computation techniques. Among the drivers for these new challenges, the modeling requirements for more complicated resources such as fast-growing storage, hybrid resources, virtual power plants (VPP), renewables and the necessity to manage uncertainty in market operations. This panel will discuss the latest advances and challenges in formulating optimization problems, algorithm development, and solution techniques for solving large-scale market clearing problems to integrate future resources and manage uncertainty.

Yonghong Chen, MISO, Feng Pan, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Sponsor Committees:
(PSOPE) Technologies &amp, Innovation Subcommittee