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Distributed Energy Resources Integration in the Wholesale Electricity Market (slides)

* 21PESGM0087, The Price is Right? How the Disconnect Between Wholesale and Retail Electricity Prices Impact Investment Incentives: R. SIOSHANSI, The Ohio State University * 21PESGM0088, Thoughts on Distributed Energy Resource Integration: T. ZHENG, ISO New England Inc. * 21PESGM0089, Distributed Energy Resources Integration in the Wholesale Electricity Market: S. MOORTY, ERCOT * 21PESGM0090, Distributed Energy Resources Integration in the Wholesale Electricity Market: E. ELA, EPRI, M. HEIDARIFAR, EPRI, N. SINGHAL, EPRI

  • PES
    Members: $5.00
    IEEE Members: $10.00
    Non-members: $20.00
    Pages/Slides: 41
26 Jul 2021

Distributed energy resources (DER) have the potential to change the way power is generated and transmitted with impact visible in both transmission and distribution networks. These resources may include intermittent resources, energy storage, gas turbines, and combined heat plants among others. DER integration in the wholesale electricity market will require developing new market rules, policy changes and increased coordination among ISO/RTOs, transmission owners and individual DER units/ DER aggregation owners. This session will have a mix of panelists from ISO/RTO, education and research institutions with focus on developments required on new market construct and modeling requirements to facilitate integration of DER in the wholesale electricity market.

Muhammad Marwali, The New York Independent System Operator Inc, Vijaya Ganugula, The New York Independent System Operator Inc
Sponsor Committees:
Power System Economics Subcommittee (PSOPE)

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