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  • PES
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    Length: 01:35:45
Panel Session 05 Aug 2020

Starting from a purely passive paradigm, distribution systems have moved towards an active paradigm, allowing a higher level of control by the different players acting on them. Many are the key factors and the enabling technologies which are fostering this process, e.g., distributed energy resources (DERs), energy storage systems (ESSs), and dc distribution systems.
This trend has revealed the need for new solutions, new tools, and new models. It has also fostered the formation of microgrids, (partially) independent portions of distribution grids which can work either in parallel with the mains or isolated. This particular case, calls for adaptive optimization while in operation and for specific design while in planning phase.
This panel will describe the main optimization issues involving distribution systems optimization such as optimal sizing and placing of ESSs and DERs, optimal sizing and placing of microgrids, optimal load management, resiliency, voltage stability, and optimization of protection systems.

Samuele Grillo, Kwang Lee
Primary Committee:
analytic Methods for Power Systems (AMPS)
Sponsor Committees:
Intelligent Systems