IEEE Members: $10.00
Non-members: $20.00Pages/Slides: 50
Protection of HVDC grids requires a different approach compared with AC power system protection and is one of the major challenges that must be resolved before the realization of large-scale HVDC grids. HVDC grid protection entails the appropriate detection and fault clearing of DC faults. Fault current interruption is much more complex in HVDC grids compared with AC systems, as DC fault currents have no naturally recurring zero-crossings and, without countermeasures, quickly increase to values that are unacceptable for the power-electronic components. By contrast, the technologies used within HVDC grids offer options for fault clearing beyond the commonly used approach of using circuit breakers in the existing AC systems.
Dirk Van Hertem, Dragan Jovcic
Primary Committee:
Transmission & Distribution (T&D)