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Panel Session 06 Aug 2019

There are a number of R&D, demonstration and deployment projects underway in the European Union, which are essential for operating the interconnected power system of ENTSO-E in a safe and reliable manner. Many have a significant impact on the electrical energy infrastructure on a national or international level, enhance the European energy market and aim at meeting the general EU�s energy policy objectives. Some focus on facilitating the integration of an increasing share of energy from variable renewable energy sources, while others try to find best ways to further interconnect the bulk power systems and efficiently exploit the electrical energy infrastructure. The panel session features technical presentations from the power industry, utility sector and academia. It aims at gathering professionals and interested stakeholders from the power engineering community to discuss recent advances in the development of the European power grid and learn from each other through the exchange of experience and practices.

U. Kerin
Sponsor Committees:
Energy Development and Power Generation

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