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Characterisation and Testing of DC CBs for Future DC Grids

D. Jovcic, C. Plet, T. Modeer, M. Popov, L. Yao, J. Josefsson

  • PES
    Members: Free
    IEEE Members: $10.00
    Non-members: $20.00
    Pages/Slides: 96
Panel 17 Sep 2018

DC Transmission grids are intensively studied in multiple applications in Europe and China. DC Circuit Breakers are considered as key enabling technology which will facilitate rapid isolation of faulted lines and components. Several DC CB technologies have been brought to prototype stages and are becom-ing commercially available for DC grid applications. Many but not all technologies utilize high-voltage valves in order to achieve requirements for operating speed. This panel will present latest research and developments on modelling and testing of DC CBs. The panel includes several DC CB manufacturers, Research centres and also independent testing centre. Some full-scale DC CB testing has been ongoing at DNV-GL laboratory and the panellists will report on latest results and developments. The DC CB test circuit is a completely new and challenging topic which will also be addressed. Many but not all presenters participate in the EU-funded Promotion project.

K. Jin