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ESMO 2019 - MAD - How to Apply and Reduce

Steve Zubiri, Tom Verdecchio, Brian Erga, Kris Buchholz

  • PES
    Members: Free
    IEEE Members: $10.00
    Non-members: $20.00
    Pages/Slides: 115
Panel 24 Jun 2019

ESMOL Subcommittee is currently working on a paper to present practical approaches to Minimum Approach Distances (MAD) for transmission line work. This paper has been in the development stage and will be published soon; however, we would like to show you what you will see in this paper that should help you apply MAD to different work situations. Included in this paper are many drawings on what MAD distances must be considered when developing work procedures or applying work procedures to your specific line structure configuration. In addition, ESMOL is developing a second paper for the application of MAD to distribution work procedures, thus we will be showing you drawings that will be included showing various MAD distribution applications We are also looking forward to the Q&A portion of this session to gather your feedback and any additional items that should be included in the final version of both papers.

Steve Zubiri

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