IEEE Members: $10.00
Non-members: $20.00Pages/Slides: 158
The panel's focus is on discussing the challenges, opportunities, innovations, and advances in power
systems communications. In particular, address the following aspects:
Communications, computing and control technologies, automation solutions and standards
System architecture and cyber security and privacy
Information sharing, decision algorithms, and visualization
Recent deployments of wide-Area Monitoring, Control and Protection
- Communications : A Mission Critical Enabler for the Smart Distribution Network - W. D Hond
- SCE Communication Architecture, Strategy, and Roadmap - H. Liu
- Utility Communications Network Panning and Optimization - D. Borough
- Ethernet Design for Teleprotection and Automation Requires a Return to First Principles to Improve First
Response- D. Dolezilek - Smart Grid Security, Privacy, and Resilient Architectures: Opportunities and Challenges- M. Amin
- Architecture and Security of Information and Communication Systems for Monitoring and Control of
Power Grids - C.-C. Liu - A project to Develop a Trustworthy Cyber Infrastructure for the Power Grid (TCIPG) - P. Sauer
- Testing the Next Generation Smart Grid Node- D. Energy
J. Mueller, M. Govndarasu, V.R. Vinnakota